Maping big sequences
For my work I get some slices of 100 kb from real chromosomes, but I forget to insert in the fasta comment the name and coordinates for each sequences, now I need to know this information for each one, so I tried to map using blast, but in the server a weird error marks "Segmentation fault" (I format the full genome ~3 Gb). I think in the Perl solution and this is the code: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; =head1 NAME =head1 DESCRIPTION Perl script to find and get the position of each sequence in a multifasta file into a big sequence (a chromosome). The comparation is direct, so it only works with sequences in same direction (typical 5' -> 3'). Output is a simple text file with the name of the sequence, the name of the big sequence and the positions where match. Note we match every line with a fasta comment (defined with ">") but the last sequence is omitted, I add a ">" as last line with: echo ">" >> fast...