
Showing posts from December, 2008

Mac vs PC

The old battle of Mac vs PC, in this video the fight is with Transformers laptops ... cool concept. Link: By the way, the Linux Foundation has a contest for "I'm Linux" tv-commercial, full rules here .

Perl Life


PS3 cluster

So do you have some PS3 and you're boring of play and watch Blue-Ray movies? You must know the PS3 is the most accessible CELL- based machine, why not use this computer problem in other areas beyond entrainment . In this PS3 ClusterGuide you can build step-by-step your own cluster with PS3, the receipt: 1. Take some PS3. 2. Interconnect it in a LAN. 3. Install Fedora PPC in each one. 4. Install cluster utils . 5. Learn to code in CELL- SDK for a better experience and performance . I accept some PS3 for scientific probes ... really I just want one to play ...

First snow


The Seven Deadly Sins of Bioinformatics

This presentation is a good think-deep-later for anyone in this area, some quotes are fantastic and many points are well focused, others I can't agree. Must watch and think. The Seven Deadly Sins of Bioinformatics View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: ismb web service )

Bioinfomatic in web2.0

DNASIS SmartNote is an on-line service for bioinformatic analysis integration, currently it's like Google Docs but specific for bioinformatic, it looks good and very expandable, it includes some basic tools: Similarity Blast - NCBI Statistics Codon Usage CpG Islands DNA Stats Hetero Dimer - IDT Oligo Analyzer Oligo Analyzer - IDT PCR Primer Stats Protein Stats Translation/complement Reverse Complement Reverse Translation Translate Tool - ExPASy Alignment ClustalW - EBI Multiple Alignment Editor - Jalview MUSCLE - EBI Pairwise Alignment - EBI EMBOSS T-Coffee - EBI Annotations/search Blast - NCBI CpG Islands DNA Pattern Find Fuzzy DNA Search Fuzzy Protein Search Neural Network Promoter Prediction ORF Finder Primer Map Protein Pattern Find ...

Advice for potential graduate students

I found this text,copy and paste because it's an advice and must be in every biological laboratory. ADVICE FOR POTENTIAL GRADUATE STUDENTS We currently have room in the lab for more graduate students. But before you apply to this lab or any other, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, be realistic about graduate school. Graduate school in biology is not a sure path to success. Many students assume that they will eventually get a job just like their advisor’s. However, the average professor at a research university has three students at a time for about 5 years each. So, over a career of 30 years, this professor has about 18 students. Since the total number of positions has been pretty constant, these 18 people are competing for one spot. So go to grad school assuming that you might not end up at a research university, but instead a teaching college, or a government or industry job. All of these are great jobs, but it’s important to think of all this before you go to school...

Slower with age ... 4rd. part and last

I'm starting to be bored with this comparisons, I've not report the last one comparing "apples with pears" between Ubuntu vs. OpenSolaris vs. FreeBSD benchmarks , but this is a more realistic comparison, take the new shinning Fedora 10 and Ubuntu 8.10 for benchmarking , the results: nearly identical perfomance in 32 and 64 bits. Not surprises here. Yes, U-fans claim better hardware support and more user-friendly-desktop, I don't believe that 'cause Fedora is a really good Linux distribution, I had tested and used before. Whatever, for test and compare distros you can use the Phoronix Test Suite . I'm still waiting openSuse 11.1 and maybe try gOS , while I'm saving for an Acer Aspire One.