Command-line Fu

Recently I found this great site Command-line Fu, a site where you can find these beautiful gems for the command line but it's different from other collections:

What's this?

Command-Line-Fu is the place to record those command-line gems that you return to again and again.

Delete that bloated snippets file you've been using and share your personal repository with the world. That way others can gain from your CLI wisdom and you from theirs too. All commands can be commented on and discussed - digg-esque voting is also encouraged so the best float to the top.

So, anyone can share their commands, you can look, learn and use or suggests better ways to do it, and beyond the Bash, also include tags (functions) for one-liners scripts in perl, python, etc. or by specific commands like curl, ssh, grep, ...

With Twitter and RSS report systems you can follow the latest commands too (but only report the link and the function, not the command).


Via: DownloadSquad


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